Have some custom requirements you’d like us to price out? No problem! We can customize plans specifically for your needs. Just fill out the information below and one of our team will reach out to you with custom pricing to fit your specific needs.

  • Contact Information

  • Account Information

  • Approximately how many users will need to have access to be able to maintain your status page and post notifications? Note: A range is fine (e.g., 5-10).
  • How many of your users do you estimate would subscribe to receive push notifications for issues posted to your status page? Note: A range is fine (e.g., 500-1000).
  • Approximately how many times per month do you post messages that would result in push notifications to your subscribed users? Note: A range is fine (e.g., 10-20).
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

How Fast? See How Fast.

Enter your email address below to receive a sample notification email from the StatusKeeper application.

Try the Interactive Demo!

This phone screen represents what one of your customers would see on your public status page if they subscribe to any of your components.

Enter your email address and click "Send Notification" to receive a sample notification email that would look similar to what the customer would receive if you updated a component they had subscribed to.

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